Friday, 27 May 2011

Bye-Bye Exams; Hello Summer! :D

Woop! Exams are over and summer 2011 has officially begun, and I have a funny feeling that it's gonna be a pretty awesome summer! There will (as usual) be some tearful goodbyes, I am sure, but goodbyes don't last forever, and those leaving, or being left will at some point be seen again...I will make sure if it =D
But along with the summer of course must come the heat, but this is INSANE! I'm considering getting up from my writing and finding my air-conditioner remote! Last time I checked (at 6pm) it was 32 degrees(celcius), melted in a puddle much?!? And me (being oh so clever) was wearing the heat...for the whole day! But now I'm sat in my extremely over-sized and baggy clothes, still boiling, trying to find some inspiration to finish a little something I've been writing. But seeing as what originally inspired me to start it is a good few miles away and is unable to provide me with any more inspiration at this current time, I have decided to turn to the oh so faithful (not) world of internet.
It is getting quite hot tho, so I will leave you for now (and find a means of cooling down) and I will probably post a little something more interesting later =]
Byeeeee =]
~ Ally xx

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

And We Have Take Off! =P

Ok, so, I'm back in the world of randomly posting things up for everyone to see, after a very long year =D *insert cheer* Not that I ever put much up, or that it was ever very interesting. Although it was extremely interesting to see some of my work popping up in random places other than where I had posted it!
Which is why it is now stated (as above) that anything posted under "Amaurea Uruviel" is my own work, and it belongs to me. And for crying out loud, if you really want to take something from it ASK! Sheesh people! I don't bite. . .strangers. . .much =P But seriously, if you are that desperate to re-create something that has popped out of my useless mind, ask, and I highly doubt I will deny you it; although obviously there will be some small conditions =P
Anyhoo, other than that stuff, feel free to do what you like with the other random things I post, 'cause seriously...most things that come out of my little brain ain't anything great. Comment, dislike, like, hate, love, share, do whatever you heart desires, 'cause feedback is fun!
I'm over and out now, I suppose some stuff will be put up soon. Until then.
Farewell and Goodnight! =]
~ Ally xx