Saturday, 24 September 2011

Let the Torture Commence! =[

So, I'm - unfortunately - yet again in Cyprus after an awesome time back home! I've been here for a while, but have been rather busy, but I have decided to wake up from the world of no-bloggingness and try to be slightly more...consistent. Although this will mainly just be rambling per say.
When I was back home I learned quite a few things, one of which is, I tend to try and run away from life quite often, but it's not worked too well for me over the years, things find their way back, and they'll just hit you from behind, twice as hard.
I've also found out which people are the most important in my life, those who have stood with me no matter what, and I am so grateful for them, even if some of them are miles away.

Being back in Cyprus also means one other thing - School. The torturous place I have spent the majority of my life, and being in my last year is just as bad as the rest! Sure it means I'm leaving this place pretty soon, but before that is all the moaning, gossiping, shouting, fighting, books that make no sense, lessons that I will never ever use in my life again, oh and this applications - must be the most stressful thing when you have to do it a different way from everyone else, but that's what you get for being lazy during school and flunking all your classes, altho I do quite like the look of the path I'm gonna be going down come June :)

Anyhoo, I shall be off for now, got essays to right, and colleges to e-mail. I'll stick some stuff up on the other page pretty soon tho, I've had sudden spurts of writing inspiration the past few weeks, so I have a few stuff to go up; I shall thank my bro Phil for that, as his leaving the country is what seems to have triggered it all.

Until then, I'll try keep alive and well! :P

~ Ally xx

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